Thursday, October 16, 2008

About Gay Marriage

There has been a lot of news as of late about gay marriage. I mean with the presidential election nearing and the entire prop 8 thing in California. I just don't get it. I mean maybe its me, but at what point did America as a governing body decide it is alright to segregate people from others. It is in fact 2008 not 1950. For those out there that oppose this think of this for me. If you are a woman would you in fact give up your rights to equal pay and the ability to vote, are in fact go back to were sexual harassment was a common practice and cops are lawyers would laugh at you when you said it was wrong? If your a black person in this country would you to give up your right to vote, eat in a white restaurant, ride on a bus, are the hundreds of things you weren't allowed to do some 50 years ago?

No these things are not the same as marriage, but in fact as the government looks at them they are. You see when your married your guaranteed things the single people do not get from tax breaks to grants to laws to protect people in times of family emergencies are sickness, and in death too. If marriage was just a piece of paper to the government then I might not feel so strongly about this topic, but it is not. It is a binding contract the two people enter into and by doing so our government has certain protections and privileges for the people, that single people just do not get.

I can not believe that this is even a topic for decision , that The United States Government with all there diplomatic missions of spreading democracy threw out the world to ensure that people are treated the same and fairly by there governments would even for a second have to think twice about this topic. There is only one difference in gay marriage. That the two people that love each other have the same sex organs. That is it. They are no less human; they are no less American; they deserve no less than any other citizen.

There is nothing really I can say that will change your mind out there if you HATE homosexuals. I'm not talking to you. I am speaking to the rest of you that watch the debates on TV or read the articles in the papers all they way threw trying to figure out how you feel about this topic. How do you feel? Is it enough for you to see threw the awkward feeling you get at first, like the first time you met a homosexually person, and then see him are her for who they are and embrace them for being a person you could get along with. Is it enough that maybe you will sway a vote towards representative that sees them for who they really are, a citizen of this great country, a human being, a person, a friend, a coworker? Do they deserve less than you? What direction do we want this country to go in, what type of world do you what your children to grow up in? It wasn't so long ago that one person felt that the world would be better off without a certain type of person in it and he did something about that. Today we look back on that person as one of the most evil people ever to live. I'm not calling anti gay marriage people Nazis, I just know that gay people are people and deserve to be free to live there lives how they want. Just because there are no visible showers in the media doesn't mean i can't read between the lines.

We are all part of the same race, the human one, and deserve to finish it on are own terms how we as a person sees fit.

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